The Girl Next Door

Girl Next Door

I will not look at the “girl next door”…Unless I mean to do it for a lifetime

The “smart girl” you can look at all you want;

She might look at you…but she’ll be more interested in a book

The “super-model” you can look at and she’ll like it;

However, she’ll never really take much notice of you…just the mirror you stand next to

The “bad girl” you can look at and she’ll pretend she doesn’t care;

Or she might pretend she does…either way, she will only be pretending

The “shy girl” wants you to look at her;

She doesn’t know why…and she’ll never know why she looks back at you

The “girl next door” you can look at;

She’ll look back at you in the same way…if your heart is true, she’ll keep looking back for a lifetime

So if I look at the “girl next door”…I shall do so for love and nothing else.

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